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Sweat Equity Product Launch 101

100’s of products are launched every single day.

And most fall flat on their face.

So today, I’m going to show you how to plan a 7-figure product launch with the tease-hype-collect-push-pull framework.

Tease: Create a curiosity gap - "I need to know"

A curiosity gap is the difference between what someone knows and what they want to know.

When people notice a gap in their knowledge, they can feel uncomfortable and are compelled to find the missing information.

Which creates anticipation and the feeling of “I NEED TO KNOW”.

You do this by presenting just enough information to make them curious, but to fully satisfy their curiositythey have to pay attention to your launch.

Use visual teasers (blurred images or partial views of the product), cryptic messages (hint at the product's features or benefits), and countdown timers to build intrigue.

You can even use gamification to challenge followers which turns a passive audience into active participants.

After building your tease formula, share content briefs with influencers to maximize FOMO.

Hype: Build the buzz - "I want my hands on it when it launches"

So you’ve captured attention.

Now you need to build the buzz.

The feeling: I need to get my hands on that product.

Show the behind-the-scenes creation through storytelling.

Educate them on why the product exists and its benefits.

Inspire them so they feel like your product will help them reach their goals.

Drive scarcity and urgency with giveaways, exclusive drops, and limited-edition items.

Collect: Build the email and SMS list - “I want to know when it launches ASAP”

Now it’s time to capitalize on the hype and excitement.

Build your email and SMS list by offering incentives.

Use the close friends feature on Instagram. Bandit Running sent me a DM asking if they could add me to their Close Friends list to see behind the scenes of their upcoming campaign.

Strategically, they were pulling me closer to their sms list.

Push/Pull to continue amplifying your message

The key here is to promote your product 2x as much as your teaser and hype content.


Because realistically, only 10-15% of your audience will see that initial content.

Amp up the volume to ensure your message gets through, and emphasize pushing and pulling.

Pull your audience in with compelling content while consistently reminding them about the product through pushing.

With Q4 on the horizon, you probably have a product launch on the roadmap.

So here’s how you’ll crush it:

  • Tease: Create the curiosity gap.
  • Hype: Build the buzz.
  • Collect: Get emails and SMS.
  • Push: Consistently remind your audience about the product.
  • Pull: Create compelling content through storytelling.

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Alex Garcia
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